Source code for

ScmRun provides a high level analysis tool for simple climate model relevant
data. It provides a simple interface for reading/writing, subsetting and visualising
model data. ScmRuns are able to hold multiple model runs which aids in analysis of
ensembles of model runs.
from __future__ import annotations

import copy
import datetime as dt
import numbers
import os
import pathlib
import warnings
from logging import getLogger
from typing import (

import cftime  # type: ignore
import numpy as np
import numpy.testing as npt
import pandas as pd
import pint
from dateutil import parser
from typing_extensions import Self

import scmdata.units

from ._base import OpsMixin
from ._typing import ApplyCallable, FilePath, MetadataType, MetadataValue
from ._xarray import inject_xarray_methods
from .errors import (
from .filters import (
from .groupby import RunGroupBy
from .netcdf import inject_nc_methods
from .offsets import generate_range, to_offset
from .ops import inject_ops_methods
from .plotting import inject_plotting_methods
from .pyam_compat import IamDataFrame, LongDatetimeIamDataFrame
from .time import _TARGET_DTYPE, TimePoints, TimeseriesConverter
from .units import UnitConverter

_logger = getLogger(__name__)

T = TypeVar("T", bound="BaseScmRun")

    from numpy.typing import NDArray

def _read_file(  # pylint: disable=missing-return-doc
    filename: FilePath, required_cols: Sequence[str], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
    Prepare data to initialize :class:`ScmRun <>` from a file.

        Passed to :func:`_read_pandas`.
        Passed to :func:`_read_pandas`.

    :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        First dataframe is the data. Second dataframe is metadata
    """"Reading %s", filename)

    return _format_data(_read_pandas(str(filename), *args, **kwargs), required_cols)

def _read_pandas(
    fname: str, *args: Any, lowercase_cols: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Read a file and return a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.

        Path from which to read data

        If True, convert the column names of the file to lowercase

        Passed to :func:`pandas.read_excel` if :obj:`fname` ends with '.xls' or
        '.xslx, otherwise passed to :func:`pandas.read_csv`.

        Passed to :func:`pandas.read_excel` if :obj:`fname` ends with '.xls' or
        '.xslx, otherwise passed to :func:`pandas.read_csv`.

        Read data

        Path specified by :obj:`fname` does not exist
    is_remote =  # type: ignore
    if not is_remote and not os.path.exists(fname):
        raise OSError("no data file `{}` found!".format(fname))

    if fname.endswith("xlsx") or fname.endswith("xls"):
        _logger.debug("Assuming excel file")
        xl = pd.ExcelFile(fname)

        if len(xl.sheet_names) > 1 and "sheet_name" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["sheet_name"] = "data"

        dateframe: pd.DataFrame = pd.read_excel(fname, *args, **kwargs)

        _logger.debug("Reading with pandas read_csv")
        dateframe = pd.read_csv(fname, *args, **kwargs)

    def _to_lower(c):
        if hasattr(c, "lower"):
            return c.lower()
        return c

    if lowercase_cols:
        dateframe.columns = [_to_lower(c) for c in dateframe.columns]  # type: ignore

    return dateframe

# pylint doesn't recognise return statements if they include ','
def _format_data(  # pylint: disable=missing-return-doc
    input_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series[Any]], required_cols: Sequence[str]
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
    Prepare data to initialize :class:`ScmRun <>` from :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or

    See docstring of :func:`ScmRun.__init__` for details.

        Data to format.

    :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
        First dataframe is the data. Second dataframe is metadata.

        Not all required metadata columns are present or the time axis cannot be
    df: pd.DataFrame = (
        input_df.to_frame() if isinstance(input_df, pd.Series) else input_df  # type: ignore

    # reset the index if meaningful entries are included there
    if list(df.index.names) != [None]:

    if not set(required_cols).issubset(set(df.columns)):
        missing = list(set(required_cols) - set(df.columns))
        raise MissingRequiredColumnError(missing)

    # check whether data in wide or long format
    if "value" in df.columns:
        df, meta = _format_long_data(df, required_cols)
        df, meta = _format_wide_data(df, required_cols)

    return df, meta

def _format_long_data(
    df: pd.DataFrame, required_cols: Sequence[str]
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
    # check if time column is given as `year` (int) or `time` (datetime)
    cols = set(df.columns)
    if "year" in cols and "time" not in cols:
        time_col = "year"
    elif "time" in cols and "year" not in cols:
        time_col = "time"
        msg = "invalid time format, must have either `year` or `time`!"
        raise ValueError(msg)

    required_cols = list(required_cols)
    extra_cols = list(set(cols) - set(required_cols + [time_col, "value"]))
    df = df.pivot_table(columns=required_cols + extra_cols, index=time_col).value
    meta = df.columns.to_frame(index=None)
    df.columns = meta.index

    return df, meta

def _format_wide_data(
    df: pd.DataFrame, required_cols: Sequence[str]
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
    cols = set(df.columns) - set(required_cols)
    time_cols = False
    extra_cols: List[str] = []

    for i in cols:
        # if in wide format, check if columns are years (int) or datetime
        if isinstance(i, (dt.datetime, cftime.datetime)):
            time_cols = True
                time_cols = True
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                        # most common format
                        dt.datetime.strptime(i, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
                    except ValueError:
                        # this is super slow so avoid if possible
                        parser.parse(str(i))  # if no ValueError, this is datetime
                    time_cols = True
                except ValueError:
                    extra_cols.append(i)  # some other string

    if not time_cols:
        msg = (
            "invalid column format, must contain some time (int, float or datetime) "
        raise ValueError(msg)

    all_cols_set = set(tuple(required_cols) + tuple(extra_cols))
    all_cols = list(all_cols_set)

    df_out = df.drop(all_cols, axis="columns").T = "time"
    meta = df[all_cols].set_index(df_out.columns)

    return df_out, meta

def _from_ts(
    df: Any,
    required_cols: Tuple[str, ...],
    index: Any = None,
    **columns: Union[str, bool, float, int, List[Any]],
) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
    Prepare data to initialize :class:`ScmRun <>` from wide timeseries.

    See docstring of :func:`ScmRun.__init__` for details.

    Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]
        First dataframe is the data. Second dataframe is metadata

        Not all required columns are present
    if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame):
        df = pd.DataFrame(df)
    if index is not None:
        if isinstance(index, np.ndarray):
            df.index = TimePoints(index).to_index()
        elif isinstance(index, TimePoints):
            df.index = index.to_index()
            df.index = index

    # format columns to lower-case and check that all required columns exist
    if not set(required_cols).issubset(columns.keys()):
        missing = list(set(required_cols) - set(columns.keys()))
        raise MissingRequiredColumnError(missing) = "time"

    num_ts = len(df.columns)
    for c_name, col in columns.items():
        col_list = (
            [col] if isinstance(col, str) or not isinstance(col, Iterable) else col

        if len(col_list) == num_ts:
        if len(col_list) != 1:
            error_msg = (
                "Length of column '{}' is incorrect. It should be length "
                "1 or {}".format(c_name, num_ts)
            raise ValueError(error_msg)
        columns[c_name] = col_list * num_ts

    meta = pd.DataFrame(columns, index=df.columns)

    return df, meta

def _get_target(run: T, inplace: bool) -> T:
    if inplace:
        return run
        return run.copy()

[docs]class BaseScmRun(OpsMixin): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods """ Base class of a data container for timeseries data """ required_cols: Tuple[str, ...] = ("variable", "unit") """ Required metadata columns This is the bare minimum columns which are expected. Attempting to create a run without the metadata columns specified by :attr:`required_cols` will raise a MissingRequiredColumnError """ data_hierarchy_separator = HIERARCHY_SEPARATOR """ str: String used to define different levels in our data hierarchies. By default we follow pyam and use "|". In such a case, emissions of |CO2| for energy from coal would be "Emissions|CO2|Energy|Coal". """ def __init__( self, data: Any = None, index: Any = None, columns: Optional[ dict[Hashable, Union[MetadataValue, Iterable[MetadataValue]]] ] = None, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, copy_data: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ): """ Initialize the container with timeseries data. Parameters ---------- data: Union[ScmRun, IamDataFrame, pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray, str, pathlib.Path] If a :class:`ScmRun <>` object is provided, then a new :class:`ScmRun <>` is created with a copy of the values and metadata from :obj: `data`. A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with IAMC-format data columns (the result from :func:`ScmRun.timeseries()`) can be provided without any additional :obj:`columns` and :obj:`index` information. If a numpy array of timeseries data is provided, :obj:`columns` and :obj:`index` must also be specified. The shape of the numpy array should be ``(n_times, n_series)`` where `n_times` is the number of timesteps and `n_series` is the number of time series. If a string or :class:`pathlib.Path` is passed, data will be attempted to be read from file. Currently, reading from CSV, gzipped CSV and Excel formatted files is supported. The string could be a URL in a format handled by pandas. Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, gs, and file if pandas>1.2 is used. For more information about the remote formats that can be read, see the ``pd.read_csv`` documentation for the version of pandas which is installed. If no data is provided than an empty :class:`ScmRun <>` object is created. index: np.ndarray If :obj:`index` is not ``None``, then the :obj:`index` is used as the timesteps for run. All timeseries in the run use the same set of timesteps. The values will be attempted to be converted to :class:`numpy.datetime[s]` values. Possible input formats include : * :class:`datetime.datetime` * :obj:`int` Start of year * :obj:`float` Decimal year * :obj:`str` Uses :func:`dateutil.parser`. Slow and should be avoided if possible If :obj:`index` is ``None``, than the time index will be obtained from the :obj:`data` if possible. columns If None, ScmRun will attempt to infer the values from the source. Otherwise, use this dict to write the metadata for each timeseries in data. For each metadata key (e.g. "model", "scenario"), an array of values (one per time series) is expected. Alternatively, providing a list of length 1 applies the same value to all timeseries in data. For example, if you had three timeseries from 'rcp26' for 3 different models 'model', 'model2' and 'model3', the column dict would look like either 'col_1' or 'col_2': .. code:: python >>> col_1 = { "scenario": ["rcp26"], "model": ["model1", "model2", "model3"], "region": ["unspecified"], "variable": ["unspecified"], "unit": ["unspecified"] } >>> col_2 = { "scenario": ["rcp26", "rcp26", "rcp26"], "model": ["model1", "model2", "model3"], "region": ["unspecified"], "variable": ["unspecified"], "unit": ["unspecified"] } >>> assert pd.testing.assert_frame_equal( ScmRun(d, columns=col_1).meta, ScmRun(d, columns=col_2).meta ) metadata: Optional dictionary of metadata for instance as a whole. This can be used to store information such as the longer-form information about a particular dataset, for example, dataset description or DOIs. Defaults to an empty :obj:`dict` if no default metadata are provided. copy_data: bool If True, an explicit copy of data is performed. .. note:: The copy can be very expensive on large timeseries and should only be needed in cases where the original data is manipulated. **kwargs: Additional parameters passed to :func:`_read_file` to read files Raises ------ ValueError * If you try to load from multiple files at once. If you wish to do this, please use :func:`` instead. * Not specifying :obj:`index` and :obj:`columns` if :obj:`data` is a :class:`numpy.ndarray` :class:`scmdata.errors.MissingRequiredColumn` If metadata for :attr:`required_cols` is not found TypeError Timeseries cannot be read from :obj:`data` """ if isinstance(data, ScmRun): self._df: pd.DataFrame = data._df.copy() if copy_data else data._df self._meta: pd.MultiIndex = data._meta self._time_points = TimePoints(data.time_points.values) if metadata is None: metadata = data.metadata.copy() elif data is not None: if copy_data and hasattr(data, "copy"): data = data.copy() self._init_timeseries(data, index, columns, copy_data=copy_data, **kwargs) else: self._df = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self._meta = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( pd.DataFrame(data=[], columns=list(self.required_cols)) ) self._time_points = TimePoints([]) if self._duplicated_meta(): raise NonUniqueMetadataError(self.meta) self.metadata: MetadataType = metadata.copy() if metadata is not None else {} def _init_timeseries( self, data: Any, index: Any = None, columns: Optional[ Dict[Hashable, Union[Iterable[MetadataValue], MetadataValue]] ] = None, copy_data: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if columns is None: raise ValueError("`columns` argument is required") if index is None: raise ValueError("`index` argument is required") if columns is not None: (_df, _meta) = _from_ts( data, index=index, required_cols=self.required_cols, **columns ) elif isinstance(data, (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series)): (_df, _meta) = _format_data(data, self.required_cols) elif (IamDataFrame is not None) and isinstance(data, IamDataFrame): (_df, _meta) = _format_data( if copy_data else, self.required_cols ) else: if not isinstance(data, (str, pathlib.PurePath)): if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) and isinstance( data[0], (str, pathlib.PurePath) ): raise ValueError( "Initialising from multiple files not supported, " "use ``" ) error_msg = "Cannot load {} from {}".format(type(self), type(data)) raise TypeError(error_msg) (_df, _meta) = _read_file(data, required_cols=self.required_cols, **kwargs) if _df.index.duplicated().any(): raise DuplicateTimesError(_df.index) # use :class:`TimePoints` to sort times before continuing _df.index = TimePoints(_df.index.values).to_index() _df = _df.sort_index() _df = _df.astype(float) self._df = _df # set time points using the sorted times self._time_points = TimePoints(_df.index.values) self._meta = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(_meta.astype("category"))
[docs] def copy(self) -> Self: """ Return a :func:`copy.deepcopy` of self. Also creates copies the underlying Timeseries data Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` :func:`copy.deepcopy` of ``self`` """ ret = copy.copy(self) ret._df = self._df.copy() ret._meta = self._meta.copy() ret.metadata = copy.copy(self.metadata) return ret
def __len__(self) -> int: """ Get the number of timeseries. """ return self._df.shape[1] def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Any: """ Get item of self with helpful direct access. Provides direct access to "time", "year" as well as the columns in :attr:`meta`. If key is anything else, the key will be applied to :attr:`_data`. """ _key_check = ( [key] if isinstance(key, str) or not isinstance(key, Iterable) else key ) if key == "time": return pd.Series(self._time_points.to_index(), dtype="object") if key == "year": return pd.Series(self._time_points.years()) if set(_key_check).issubset(self.meta_attributes): try: return self._meta_column(key).astype( self._meta_column(key).cat.categories.dtype ) except ValueError: return self._meta_column(key).astype(float) raise KeyError("[{}] is not in metadata".format(key)) def __setitem__( self, key: str, value: "Optional[Union[Iterable[MetadataValue], MetadataValue]]", ) -> Any: """ Update metadata Parameters ---------- key Column name value Values to write If a list of values is provided, then the length of that :obj:`value` must be the same as the number of timeseries Raises ------ ValueError If the length of :obj:`meta` is inconsistent with the number of timeseries """ meta = np.atleast_1d(value) # type: ignore if key == "time": self._time_points = TimePoints(meta) self._df.index = self._time_points.to_index() elif len(meta) in (1, len(self)): # build new index new_levels = list(self._meta.levels) new_codes = list( new_names = list(self._meta.names) meta_ci = pd.CategoricalIndex(data=meta, name=key) if len(meta) == 1: codes = np.zeros(len(self), dtype=int) else: codes = meta_ci = pd.CategoricalIndex( data=meta_ci.categories, categories=meta_ci.categories, name=key ) if key in new_names: key_i = new_names.index(key) new_levels[key_i] = meta_ci new_codes[key_i] = codes else: new_names.append(key) new_levels.append(meta_ci) new_codes.append(codes) self._meta = pd.MultiIndex( levels=new_levels, codes=new_codes, names=new_names, verify_integrity=False, ) else: msg = ( "Invalid length for metadata, `{}`, must be 1 or equal to the " "number of timeseries, `{}`" ) raise ValueError(msg.format(len(meta), len(self))) if self._duplicated_meta(): raise NonUniqueMetadataError(self.meta) def __repr__(self): def _indent(s): lines = ["\t" + line for line in s.split("\n")] return "\n".join(lines) meta_str = _indent(self.meta.__repr__()) if len(self.time_points): time_str = [ "Start: {}".format(self.time_points.values[0]), "End: {}".format(self.time_points.values[-1]), ] else: time_str = ["Start: N/A", "End: N/A"] time_str = _indent("\n".join(time_str)) return "<{} (timeseries: {}, timepoints: {})>\nTime:\n{}\nMeta:\n{}".format( self.__class__.__name__, len(self), len(self.time_points), time_str, meta_str, ) def _binary_op( self, other: Self, f: Callable[[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame], reflexive: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> pd.DataFrame: if isinstance(other, ScmRun): return NotImplemented is_scalar = isinstance(other, (numbers.Number, pint.Quantity)) ur = scmdata.units.get_unit_registry() if not is_scalar: other_ndim = len(other.shape) if other_ndim == 1: if other.shape[0] != self.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "only vectors with the same number of timesteps " "as self ({}) are supported".format(self.shape[1]) ) else: raise ValueError( "operations with {}d data are not supported".format(other_ndim) ) def _perform_op(df): if isinstance(other, pint.Quantity): try: data = df.values * ur(df.get_unique_meta("unit", True)) use_pint = True except KeyError: # pragma: no cover # emergency valve raise KeyError( "No `unit` column in your metadata, cannot perform operations " "with pint quantities" ) else: data = df.values use_pint = False res = [] for v in data: if not reflexive: res.append(f(v, other)) else: res.append(f(other, v)) res_stacked = np.vstack(res) if use_pint: df._df.values[:] = res_stacked.magnitude.T df["unit"] = str(res_stacked.units) else: df._df.values[:] = res_stacked.T return df return self.copy().groupby("unit").apply(_perform_op) def _unary_op(self, f: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Self: run = self.copy() res = [f(v) for v in run.values] run._df.values[:] = np.vstack(res).T return run
[docs] def drop_meta( self, columns: Union[Iterable[str], str], inplace: bool = False ) -> Self: """ Drop meta columns out of the Run Parameters ---------- columns The column or columns to drop inplace If True, do operation inplace, otherwise a copy is performed. Raises ------ KeyError If any of the columns do not exist in the meta :class:`DataFrame` Returns ------- Object without the specified meta columns. """ ret = _get_target(self, inplace) if isinstance(columns, str): columns = [columns] existing_cols = ret.meta_attributes for c in columns: if c not in existing_cols: raise KeyError(c) if c in self.required_cols: raise MissingRequiredColumnError([c]) for c in columns: ret._meta = ret._meta.droplevel(c) if ret._duplicated_meta(): raise NonUniqueMetadataError(ret.meta) return ret
@property def meta_attributes(self): """ Get a list of all meta keys Returns ------- list Sorted list of meta keys """ return sorted(list(self._meta.names)) @property def time_points(self): """ Time points of the data Returns ------- :class:`scmdata.time.TimePoints` """ return self._time_points
[docs] def timeseries( self, meta: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, check_duplicated: bool = True, time_axis: Optional[str] = None, drop_all_nan_times: bool = False, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Return the data with metadata as a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. Parameters ---------- meta : list[str] The list of meta columns that will be included in the output's MultiIndex. If None (default), then all metadata will be used. check_duplicated : bool If True, an exception is raised if any of the timeseries have duplicated metadata time_axis : {None, "year", "year-month", "days since 1970-01-01", "seconds since 1970-01-01"} See :func:`long_data` for a description of the options. drop_all_nan_times : bool Should time points which contain only nan values be dropped? This operation is applied after any transforms introduced by the value of ``time_axis``. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` DataFrame with datetimes as columns and timeseries as rows. Metadata is in the index. Raises ------ :class:`NonUniqueMetadataError` If the metadata are not unique between timeseries and ``check_duplicated`` is ``True`` NotImplementedError The value of `time_axis` is not recognised ValueError The value of `time_axis` would result in columns which aren't unique """ df = self._df.T _meta = self.meta if meta is None else self.meta[meta] if check_duplicated and self._duplicated_meta(meta=_meta): raise NonUniqueMetadataError(_meta) if time_axis is None: columns = self._time_points.to_index() elif time_axis == "year": columns = self._time_points.years() elif time_axis == "year-month": columns = ( self._time_points.years() + (self._time_points.months() - 0.5) / 12 ) elif time_axis == "days since 1970-01-01": def calc_days(x): ref = np.array(["1970-01-01"], dtype=_TARGET_DTYPE)[0] return (x - ref).astype("timedelta64[D]") columns = calc_days(self._time_points.values).astype(int) elif time_axis == "seconds since 1970-01-01": def calc_seconds(x): ref = np.array(["1970-01-01"], dtype=_TARGET_DTYPE)[0] return x - ref columns = calc_seconds(self._time_points.values).astype(int) else: raise NotImplementedError("time_axis = '{}'".format(time_axis)) if len(np.unique(columns)) != len(columns): raise ValueError( "Ambiguous time values with time_axis = '{}'".format(time_axis) ) df.columns = pd.Index(columns, name="time") df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(_meta) if drop_all_nan_times: df = df.dropna(how="all", axis="columns") return df
def _duplicated_meta(self, meta=None): _meta = self._meta if meta is None else meta return _meta.duplicated().any()
[docs] def long_data(self, time_axis=None): """ Return data in long form, particularly useful for plotting with seaborn Parameters ---------- time_axis : {None, "year", "year-month", "days since 1970-01-01", "seconds since 1970-01-01"} Time axis to use for the output's columns. If ``None``, :class:`datetime.datetime` objects will be used. If ``"year"``, the year of each time point will be used. If ``"year-month"``, the year plus (month - 0.5) / 12 will be used. If ``"days since 1970-01-01"``, the number of days since 1st Jan 1970 will be used (calculated using the :mod:`datetime` module). If ``"seconds since 1970-01-01"``, the number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970 will be used (calculated using the :mod:`datetime` module). Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the data in 'long form' (i.e. one observation per row). """ out: pd.DataFrame = self.timeseries(time_axis=time_axis).stack() = "value" result = out.to_frame().reset_index() return result
@property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Get the shape of the underlying data as ``(num_timeseries, num_timesteps)`` Returns ------- tuple of int """ return self._df.T.shape @property def values(self) -> "NDArray[np.float_]": """ Timeseries values without metadata The values are returned such that each row is a different timeseries being a row and each column is a different time (although no time information is included as a plain :class:`numpy.ndarray` is returned). Returns ------- np.ndarray The array in the same shape as :meth:`ScmRun.shape`, that is ``(num_timeseries, num_timesteps)``. """ return self._df.values.T @property def empty(self) -> bool: """ Indicate whether :class:`ScmRun <>` is empty i.e. contains no data Returns ------- bool If :class:`ScmRun <>` is empty, return ``True``, if not return ``False`` """ return len(self) == 0 @property def meta(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Metadata """ df = pd.DataFrame( self._meta.to_list(), columns=self._meta.names, index=self._df.columns ) return df[sorted(df.columns)] def _meta_column(self, col: str) -> pd.Series[Any]: out = self._meta.get_level_values(col) return pd.Series(out, name=col, index=self._df.columns)
[docs] def set_meta( self, dimension: str, value: Union[MetadataValue, Iterable[MetadataValue]], **filter_kwargs: Union[MetadataValue, Iterable[MetadataValue]], ) -> Self: """ Update metadata Optionally, a subset of metadata may be modified through the use of additional `filter_kwargs` which are passed to :func:`filter`. The metadata associated with the non-filtered timeseries are not modified. This method does not preserve the order of the timeseries. Parameters ---------- dimension : str Dimension of meta to update value : Any Value to set the targeted meta to filter_kwargs : Any Arguments used to filter which timeseries are updated All the filtering functionality of :func:`filter` is available, except for `"inplace"`. See Also -------- :func:`filter` Returns ------- :class:`BaseScmRun <>` A new instance with the updated metadata. """ keep: bool = filter_kwargs.pop("keep", True) log_if_empty = filter_kwargs.pop("log_if_empty", True) if "inplace" in filter_kwargs: raise ValueError("Inplace updating of metadata is not supported") filtered_run = self.filter( keep=keep, log_if_empty=log_if_empty, **filter_kwargs ) filtered_run[dimension] = value res = run_append( [ filtered_run, self.filter(keep=not keep, log_if_empty=False, **filter_kwargs), ] ) return res
[docs] def filter( self, *, keep: bool = True, inplace: bool = False, log_if_empty: bool = True, **kwargs: Union[MetadataValue, Iterable[MetadataValue]], ) -> Self: """ Return a filtered ScmRun (i.e., a subset of the data). .. code:: python >>> df <scmdata.ScmRun (timeseries: 3, timepoints: 3)> Time: Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 End: 2015-01-01T00:00:00 Meta: model scenario region variable unit climate_model 0 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model 1 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy|Coal EJ/yr a_model 2 a_iam a_scenario2 World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model [3 rows x 7 columns] >>> df.filter(scenario="a_scenario") <scmdata.ScmRun (timeseries: 2, timepoints: 3)> Time: Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 End: 2015-01-01T00:00:00 Meta: model scenario region variable unit climate_model 0 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model 1 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy|Coal EJ/yr a_model [2 rows x 7 columns] >>> df.filter(scenario="a_scenario", keep=False) <scmdata.ScmRun (timeseries: 1, timepoints: 3)> Time: Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 End: 2015-01-01T00:00:00 Meta: model scenario region variable unit climate_model 2 a_iam a_scenario2 World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model [1 rows x 7 columns] >>> df.filter(level=1) <scmdata.ScmRun (timeseries: 2, timepoints: 3)> Time: Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 End: 2015-01-01T00:00:00 Meta: model scenario region variable unit climate_model 0 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model 2 a_iam a_scenario2 World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model [2 rows x 7 columns] >>> df.filter(year=range(2000, 2011)) <scmdata.ScmRun (timeseries: 3, timepoints: 2)> Time: Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 End: 2010-01-01T00:00:00 Meta: model scenario region variable unit climate_model 0 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model 1 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy|Coal EJ/yr a_model 2 a_iam a_scenario2 World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model [2 rows x 7 columns] Parameters ---------- keep If True, keep all timeseries satisfying the filters, otherwise drop all the timeseries satisfying the filters inplace If True, do operation inplace, otherwise a copy is performed. log_if_empty If ``True``, log a warning level message if the result is empty. **kwargs Argument names are keys with which to filter, values are used to do the filtering. Filtering can be done on: - all metadata columns with strings, "*" can be used as a wildcard in search strings - 'level': the maximum "depth" of IAM variables (number of hierarchy levels, excluding the strings given in the 'variable' argument) - 'time': takes a :class:`datetime.datetime` or list of :class:`datetime.datetime`'s TODO: default to np.datetime64 - 'year', 'month', 'day', hour': takes an :obj:`int` or list of :obj:`int`'s ('month' and 'day' also accept :obj:`str` or list of :obj:`str`) If ``regexp=True`` is included in :obj:`kwargs` then the pseudo-regexp syntax in :func:`pattern_match` is disabled. Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` Object containing a filtered subset of timeseries. """ ret = copy.copy(self) if not inplace else self _keep_times, _keep_rows = self._apply_filters(kwargs) if ( not keep and len(_keep_rows) and len(_keep_times) and sum(~_keep_rows) and sum(~_keep_times) ): raise ValueError( "If keep==False, filtering cannot be performed on the temporal axis " "and with metadata at the same time" ) reduce_times = len(_keep_times) and (~_keep_times).sum() > 0 reduce_rows = len(_keep_rows) and (~_keep_rows).sum() > 0 if not keep: if reduce_times: _keep_times = ~_keep_times if reduce_rows: _keep_rows = ~_keep_rows if not reduce_rows and not reduce_times: _keep_times = _keep_times * False _keep_rows = _keep_rows * False ret._df = ret._df.loc[_keep_times, _keep_rows] if len(_keep_rows): ret._meta = ret._meta[_keep_rows] if len(_keep_times): ret["time"] = self.time_points.values[_keep_times] if log_if_empty and ret.empty: _logger.warning("Filtered ScmRun is empty!", stack_info=True) return ret
# pylint doesn't recognise ',' in returns type definition def _apply_filters( # pylint: disable=missing-return-doc self, filters: Dict[str, Union[MetadataValue, Iterable[MetadataValue]]] ) -> "Tuple[NDArray[np.bool_], NDArray[np.bool_]]": """ Determine rows to keep in data for given set of filters. Parameters ---------- filters Dictionary of filters ``({col: values}})``; uses a pseudo-regexp syntax by default but if ``filters["regexp"]`` is ``True``, regexp is used directly. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`bool`, :class:`numpy.ndarray` of :class:`bool` Two boolean :class:`numpy.ndarray`'s. The first contains the columns to keep (i.e. which time points to keep). The second contains the rows to keep (i.e. which metadata matched the filters). Raises ------ ValueError Filtering cannot be performed on requested column """ regexp: bool = filters.pop("regexp", False) keep_ts = np.array([True] * len(self.time_points)) keep_meta = np.array([True] * len(self)) time_filter_options = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "time"] # filter by columns and list of values for col, values in filters.items(): if not len(keep_ts) and col in time_filter_options: continue if col in self._meta.names: if col == "variable": level = filters["level"] if "level" in filters else None else: level = None if not len(keep_meta): continue keep_meta &= pattern_match( self._meta.get_level_values(col), values, level=level, regexp=regexp, separator=self.data_hierarchy_separator, ) elif col == "level": if "variable" not in filters.keys() and len(keep_meta): keep_meta &= pattern_match( self._meta.get_level_values("variable"), "*", level=values, regexp=regexp, separator=self.data_hierarchy_separator, ) # else do nothing as level handled in variable filtering elif col == "year": keep_ts &= years_match(self._time_points.years(), values) elif col == "month": keep_ts &= month_match(self._time_points.months(), values) elif col == "day": keep_ts &= self._day_match(values) elif col == "hour": keep_ts &= hour_match(self._time_points.hours(), values) elif col == "time": keep_ts &= datetime_match(self._time_points.values, values) else: raise ValueError("filter by `{}` not supported".format(col)) return keep_ts, keep_meta def _day_match(self, values): if isinstance(values, str): wday = True elif isinstance(values, list) and isinstance(values[0], str): wday = True else: wday = False if wday: days = self._time_points.weekdays() else: # ints or list of ints days = self._time_points.days() return day_match(days, values)
[docs] def head(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame[float]: """ Return head of :func:`self.timeseries()`. Parameters ---------- *args Passed to :func:`self.timeseries().head()` **kwargs Passed to :func:`self.timeseries().head()` Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Tail of :func:`self.timeseries()` """ return self.timeseries().head(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def tail(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> pd.DataFrame[float]: """ Return tail of :func:`self.timeseries()`. Parameters ---------- *args Passed to :func:`self.timeseries().tail()` **kwargs Passed to :func:`self.timeseries().tail()` Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` Tail of :func:`self.timeseries()` """ return self.timeseries().tail(*args, **kwargs)
@overload def get_unique_meta( self, meta: str, no_duplicates: Literal[True], ) -> MetadataValue: ... @overload def get_unique_meta( self, meta: str, no_duplicates: Literal[False] = ..., ) -> List[MetadataValue]: ...
[docs] def get_unique_meta( self, meta: str, no_duplicates: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> Union[List[MetadataValue], MetadataValue]: """ Get unique values in a metadata column. Parameters ---------- meta Column to retrieve metadata for no_duplicates Should I raise an error if there is more than one unique value in the metadata column? Raises ------ ValueError There is more than one unique value in the metadata column and ``no_duplicates`` is ``True``. KeyError If a ``meta`` column does not exist in the run's metadata Returns ------- [List[Any], Any] List of unique metadata values. If ``no_duplicates`` is ``True`` the metadata value will be returned (rather than a list). """ vals: List[MetadataValue] = self._meta.get_level_values(meta).unique().to_list() if no_duplicates: if len(vals) != 1: raise ValueError( "`{}` column is not unique (found values: {})".format(meta, vals) ) return vals[0] return vals
[docs] def interpolate( self, target_times: Iterable[Union[dt.datetime,, int, float]], interpolation_type: str = "linear", extrapolation_type: Optional[str] = "linear", uniform_year_length: bool = False, ) -> Self: """ Interpolate the data onto a new time frame. Parameters ---------- target_times Time grid onto which to interpolate interpolation_type: str Interpolation type. Options are 'linear' extrapolation_type: str or None Extrapolation type. Options are None, 'linear' or 'constant' uniform_year_length: bool If True, a 365-day calendar is assumed where each year has an equal length By default, the interpolation takes into account the different number of days in leap years. Raises ------ ValueError If ``uniform_year_length=True`` and sub-annual timeseries are present Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` A new :class:`ScmRun <>` containing the data interpolated onto the :obj:`target_times` grid """ # pylint: disable=protected-access target_time_points: TimePoints = TimePoints(target_times) source_times_points: TimePoints = self.time_points if uniform_year_length: source_time_values = source_times_points.years() if len(np.unique(source_time_values)) != len(source_times_points): raise ValueError("Non-unique year values with uniform_year_length=True") target_time_values = target_time_points.years() else: source_time_values = source_times_points.values target_time_values = target_time_points.values res = self.copy() timeseries_converter = TimeseriesConverter( source_time_values, target_time_values, interpolation_type=interpolation_type, extrapolation_type=extrapolation_type, ) target_data = np.zeros((len(target_time_points), len(res))) # TODO: Extend TimeseriesConverter to handle 2d inputs for i in range(len(res)): target_data[:, i] = timeseries_converter.convert_from( res._df.iloc[:, i].values # type: ignore ) res._df = pd.DataFrame( target_data, columns=res._df.columns, index=target_time_points.to_index() ) res._time_points = target_time_points return res
[docs] def resample(self, rule: str = "AS", **kwargs: Any) -> Self: """ Resample the time index of the timeseries data onto a custom grid. This helper function allows for values to be easily interpolated onto annual or monthly timesteps using the rules='AS' or 'MS' respectively. Internally, the interpolate function performs the regridding. Parameters ---------- rule See the pandas `user guide <>`_ for a list of options. Note that Business-related offsets such as "BusinessDay" are not supported. **kwargs Other arguments to pass through to :func:`interpolate` Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` New :class:`ScmRun <>` instance on a new time index Examples -------- Resample a run to annual values >>> scm_df = ScmRun( ... pd.Series([1, 2, 10], index=(2000, 2001, 2009)), ... columns={ ... "model": ["a_iam"], ... "scenario": ["a_scenario"], ... "region": ["World"], ... "variable": ["Primary Energy"], ... "unit": ["EJ/y"], ... } ... ) >>> scm_df.timeseries().T model a_iam scenario a_scenario region World variable Primary Energy unit EJ/y year 2000 1 2010 10 An annual timeseries can be the created by interpolating to the start of years using the rule 'AS'. >>> res = scm_df.resample('AS') >>> res.timeseries().T model a_iam scenario a_scenario region World variable Primary Energy unit EJ/y time 2000-01-01 00:00:00 1.000000 2001-01-01 00:00:00 2.001825 2002-01-01 00:00:00 3.000912 2003-01-01 00:00:00 4.000000 2004-01-01 00:00:00 4.999088 2005-01-01 00:00:00 6.000912 2006-01-01 00:00:00 7.000000 2007-01-01 00:00:00 7.999088 2008-01-01 00:00:00 8.998175 2009-01-01 00:00:00 10.00000 >>> m_df = scm_df.resample('MS') >>> m_df.timeseries().T model a_iam scenario a_scenario region World variable Primary Energy unit EJ/y time 2000-01-01 00:00:00 1.000000 2000-02-01 00:00:00 1.084854 2000-03-01 00:00:00 1.164234 2000-04-01 00:00:00 1.249088 2000-05-01 00:00:00 1.331204 2000-06-01 00:00:00 1.416058 2000-07-01 00:00:00 1.498175 2000-08-01 00:00:00 1.583029 2000-09-01 00:00:00 1.667883 ... 2008-05-01 00:00:00 9.329380 2008-06-01 00:00:00 9.414234 2008-07-01 00:00:00 9.496350 2008-08-01 00:00:00 9.581204 2008-09-01 00:00:00 9.666058 2008-10-01 00:00:00 9.748175 2008-11-01 00:00:00 9.833029 2008-12-01 00:00:00 9.915146 2009-01-01 00:00:00 10.000000 [109 rows x 1 columns] Note that the values do not fall exactly on integer values as not all years are exactly the same length. References ---------- See the pandas documentation for `resample < Series.resample.html>` for more information about possible arguments. """ orig_dts = self["time"] target_dts = generate_range( orig_dts.iloc[0], orig_dts.iloc[-1], to_offset(rule) ) return self.interpolate(list(target_dts), **kwargs)
[docs] def time_mean(self, rule: str) -> Self: """ Take time mean of self Note that this method will not copy the ``metadata`` attribute to the returned value. Parameters ---------- rule : ["AC", "AS", "A"] How to take the time mean. The names reflect the pandas `user guide < ies.html#dateoffset-objects>`_ where they can, but only the options given above are supported. For clarity, if ``rule`` is ``'AC'``, then the mean is an annual mean i.e. each time point in the result is the mean of all values for that particular year. If ``rule`` is ``'AS'``, then the mean is an annual mean centred on the beginning of the year i.e. each time point in the result is the mean of all values from July 1st in the previous year to June 30 in the given year. If ``rule`` is ``'A'``, then the mean is an annual mean centred on the end of the year i.e. each time point in the result is the mean of all values from July 1st of the given year to June 30 in the next year. Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` The time mean of ``self``. """ if rule == "AS": def group_annual_mean_beginning_of_year(x): if x.month <= 6: return x.year return x.year + 1 ts_resampled = ( self.timeseries() .T.groupby(group_annual_mean_beginning_of_year) .mean() .T ) ts_resampled.columns = lambda x: dt.datetime(x, 1, 1) ) return type(self)(ts_resampled) if rule == "AC": def group_annual_mean(x): return x.year ts_resampled = self.timeseries().T.groupby(group_annual_mean).mean().T ts_resampled.columns = lambda x: dt.datetime(x, 7, 1) ) return type(self)(ts_resampled) if rule == "A": def group_annual_mean_end_of_year(x): if x.month >= 7: return x.year return x.year - 1 ts_resampled = ( self.timeseries().T.groupby(group_annual_mean_end_of_year).mean().T ) ts_resampled.columns = lambda x: dt.datetime(x, 12, 31) ) return type(self)(ts_resampled) raise ValueError("`rule` = `{}` is not supported".format(rule))
@overload def process_over( self, cols: Union[str, List[str]], operation: Union[str, ApplyCallable], na_override: float = -1e6, op_cols: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, as_run: type[T] = ..., **kwargs: Any, ) -> T: ... @overload def process_over( self, cols: Union[str, List[str]], operation: Union[str, ApplyCallable], na_override: float = -1e6, op_cols: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, as_run: Literal[False] = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> pd.DataFrame: ... @overload def process_over( self, cols: Union[str, List[str]], operation: Union[str, ApplyCallable], na_override: float = -1e6, op_cols: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, as_run: Literal[True] = ..., **kwargs: Any, ) -> Self: ...
[docs] def process_over( self, cols: Union[str, List[str]], operation: Union[str, ApplyCallable], na_override: float = -1e6, op_cols: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, as_run: Union[bool, type[T]] = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[pd.DataFrame, Self, T]: """ Process the data over the input columns. Parameters ---------- cols Columns to perform the operation on. The timeseries will be grouped by all other columns in :attr:`meta`. operation : str or func The operation to perform. If a string is provided, the equivalent pandas groupby function is used. Note that not all groupby functions are available as some do not make sense for this particular application. Additional information about the arguments for the pandas groupby functions can be found at < das-docs/stable/reference/groupby.html>`_. If a function is provided, it will be applied to each group. The function must take a dataframe as its first argument and return a DataFrame, Series or scalar. Note that quantile means the value of the data at a given point in the cumulative distribution of values at each point in the timeseries, for each timeseries once the groupby is applied. As a result, using ``q=0.5`` is the same as taking the median and not the same as taking the mean/average. na_override: [int, float] Convert any nan value in the timeseries meta to this value during processsing. The meta values converted back to nan's before the run is returned. This should not need to be changed unless the existing metadata clashes with the default na_override value. This functionality is disabled if na_override is None, but may result in incorrect results if the timeseries meta includes any nan's. op_cols: dict of str: str Dictionary containing any columns that should be overridden after processing. If a required column from :class:`scmdata.ScmRun` is specified in ``cols`` and ``as_run=True``, an override must be provided for that column in ``op_cols`` otherwise the conversion to :class:`scmdata.ScmRun` will fail. as_run: bool or subclass of BaseScmRun If True, return the resulting timeseries as an :class:`scmdata.ScmRun` object, otherwise if False, a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`or :class:`pandas.Series` is returned (depending on the nature of the operation). Some operations may not be able to be converted to a :class:`scmdata.ScmRun`. For example if the operation returns scalar values rather than timeseries. If a class is provided, the return value will be cast to this class. **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass ``operation`` (or the pandas operation if ``operation`` is a string) Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`pandas.Series` or :class:`scmdata.ScmRun` The result of ``operation``, grouped by all columns in :attr:`meta` other than :obj:`cols` Raises ------ ValueError If the operation is not an allowed operation If the value of na_override clashes with any existing metadata If ``operation`` produces a :class:`pandas.Series`, but `as_run`` is True If ``as_run`` is not True, False or a subclass of :class:`` :class:`scmdata.errors.MissingRequiredColumnError` If `as_run` is not False and the result does not have the required metadata to convert to an :class`ScmRun <scmdata.ScmRun>`. This can be resolved by specifying additional metadata via ``op_cols`` """ cols = [cols] if isinstance(cols, str) else cols ts = self.timeseries() if na_override is not None: ts_idx = ts.index.to_frame() if ts_idx[ts_idx == na_override].any().any(): raise ValueError( "na_override clashes with existing meta: {}".format(na_override) ) ts.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(ts_idx.fillna(na_override)) group_cols = list(set(ts.index.names) - set(cols)) grouper = ts.groupby(group_cols, group_keys=False) # This is a subset of the available functions # allowed_pd_ops = [ "count", "cumcount", "cummax", "cummin", "cumprod", "cumsum", "first", "last", "max", "mean", "median", "min", "prod", "rank", "std", "sum", "var", "quantile", ] if isinstance(operation, str): if operation not in allowed_pd_ops: raise ValueError("invalid process_over operation") grouper_func = getattr(grouper, operation) res = grouper_func(**kwargs) else: res = grouper.apply(operation, **kwargs) if op_cols is not None: idx_df = res.index.to_frame() for column_name in op_cols: idx_df[column_name] = op_cols[column_name] res.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(idx_df) if na_override is not None: idx_df = res.index.to_frame() idx_df[idx_df == na_override] = np.nan res.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(idx_df) res = res.reorder_levels(sorted(res.index.names)) if as_run: if isinstance(res, pd.Series): raise ValueError("Cannot convert pd.Series to ScmRun") if isinstance(as_run, bool): Cls = self.__class__ elif issubclass(as_run, BaseScmRun): Cls = as_run else: raise ValueError( "Invalid value for as_run. Expected True, False or class based on" ) return Cls(res, metadata=self.metadata) else: return res
[docs] def quantiles_over( self, cols: Union[str, List[str]], quantiles: Union[str, List[float]], **kwargs: Any, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Calculate quantiles of the data over the input columns. Parameters ---------- cols Columns to perform the operation on. The timeseries will be grouped by all other columns in :attr:`meta`. quantiles The quantiles to calculate. This should be a list of quantiles to calculate (quantile values between 0 and 1). ``quantiles`` can also include the strings "median" or "mean" if these values are to be calculated. **kwargs Passed to :meth:`~ScmRun.process_over`. Returns ------- :class:`pandas.DataFrame` The quantiles of the timeseries, grouped by all columns in :attr:`meta` other than :obj:`cols`. Each calculated quantile is given a label which is stored in the ``quantile`` column within the output index. Raises ------ TypeError ``operation`` is included in ``kwargs``. The operation is inferred from ``quantiles``. """ if "operation" in kwargs: raise TypeError( "quantiles_over() does not take the keyword argument 'operation', the operations " "are inferred from the 'quantiles' argument" ) out = [] for quant in quantiles: if quant == "median": quantile_df: pd.DataFrame = self.process_over(cols, "median") elif quant == "mean": quantile_df = self.process_over(cols, "mean") else: quantile_df = self.process_over(cols, "quantile", q=quant) quantile_df["quantile"] = quant out.append(quantile_df) out_concat = pd.concat(out).set_index("quantile", append=True) return out_concat
@staticmethod def _check_groupby_input( v: Tuple[Union[str, Iterable[str]], ...] ) -> Tuple[str, ...]: if len(v) == 1 and not isinstance(v[0], str): v = tuple(v[0]) return v # type: ignore
[docs] def groupby(self, *group: str) -> RunGroupBy: """ Group the object by unique metadata Enables iteration over groups of data. For example, to iterate over each scenario in the object .. code:: python >>> for group in df.groupby("scenario"): >>> print(group) <scmdata.ScmRun (timeseries: 2, timepoints: 3)> Time: Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 End: 2015-01-01T00:00:00 Meta: model scenario region variable unit climate_model 0 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model 1 a_iam a_scenario World Primary Energy|Coal EJ/yr a_model <scmdata.ScmRun (timeseries: 1, timepoints: 3)> Time: Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 End: 2015-01-01T00:00:00 Meta: model scenario region variable unit climate_model 2 a_iam a_scenario2 World Primary Energy EJ/yr a_model Parameters ---------- group: str or list of str Columns to group by Returns ------- :class:`RunGroupBy` See the documentation for :class:`RunGroupBy` for more information """ group = self._check_groupby_input(group) return RunGroupBy(self, group)
[docs] def apply( self, func: Callable[[Self, ...], Union[Self, None]], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Union[Self, None]: """ Apply a function to each timeseries and append the results `func` is called like `func(ar, *args, **kwargs)` for each :class:`ScmRun <>` ``ar`` in this group. If the result of this function call is None, than it is excluded from the results. The results are appended together using :func:`run_append`. The function can change the size of the input :class:`ScmRun <>` as long as :func:`run_append` can be applied to all results. Examples -------- .. code:: python >>> def multiply_by_2(arr): ... variable = arr.get_unique_meta("variable", True) ... if variable == "Surface Temperature": ... return arr * 2 ... return arr >>> run.apply(multiply_by_2) Parameters ---------- func : function Callable to apply to each timeseries. ``*args`` Positional arguments passed to `func`. ``**kwargs`` Used to call `func(ar, **kwargs)` for each array `ar`. Returns ------- applied : :class:`ScmRun <>` The result of splitting, applying and combining this array. """ return self.groupby(self.meta.columns).apply(func, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_meta_columns_except( self, *not_group: Union[Iterable[str], str] ) -> list[str]: """ Get columns in meta except a set Parameters ---------- not_group: str or list of str Columns to exclude from the grouping Returns ------- list Meta columns except the ones supplied (sorted alphabetically) """ not_group = self._check_groupby_input(not_group) group = sorted(tuple(set(self.meta.columns) - set(not_group))) return group
[docs] def groupby_all_except(self, *not_group: str) -> RunGroupBy: """ Group the object by unique metadata apart from the input columns In other words, the groups are determined by all columns in ``self.meta`` except for those in ``not_group`` Parameters ---------- not_group: str or list of str Columns to exclude from the grouping Returns ------- :class:`RunGroupBy` See the documentation for :class:`RunGroupBy` for more information """ group = self.get_meta_columns_except(not_group) return RunGroupBy(self, group)
[docs] def convert_unit( self, unit: str, context: Optional[str] = None, inplace: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Self: """ Convert the units of a selection of timeseries. Uses :class:`scmdata.units.UnitConverter` to perform the conversion. Parameters ---------- unit Unit to convert to. This must be recognised by :class:`~openscm.units.UnitConverter`. context Context to use for the conversion i.e. which metric to apply when performing CO2-equivalent calculations. If ``None``, no metric will be applied and CO2-equivalent calculations will raise :class:`DimensionalityError`. inplace If True, apply the conversion inplace, otherwise a copy is performed. **kwargs Extra arguments which are passed to :meth:`~ScmRun.filter` to limit the timeseries which are attempted to be converted. Defaults to selecting the entire ScmRun, which will likely fail. Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` A :class:`ScmRun <>` object containing converted units. Notes ----- If ``context`` is not ``None``, then the context used for the conversion will be checked against any existing metadata and, if the conversion is valid, stored in the output's metadata. Raises ------ ValueError ``"unit_context"`` is already included in ``self``'s :meth:`meta_attributes` and it does not match ``context`` for the variables to be converted. """ ret = _get_target(self, inplace) to_convert_filtered = ret.filter(**kwargs, log_if_empty=False) to_not_convert_filtered = ret.filter(**kwargs, keep=False, log_if_empty=False) already_correct_unit = to_convert_filtered.filter(unit=unit, log_if_empty=False) if ( "unit_context" in already_correct_unit.meta_attributes and not already_correct_unit.empty ): self._check_unit_context(already_correct_unit, context) to_convert = to_convert_filtered.filter( unit=unit, log_if_empty=False, keep=False ) to_not_convert = run_append([to_not_convert_filtered, already_correct_unit]) if "unit_context" in to_convert.meta_attributes and not to_convert.empty: self._check_unit_context(to_convert, context) if context is not None: to_convert["unit_context"] = context if "unit_context" not in to_not_convert.meta_attributes and context is not None: to_not_convert["unit_context"] = None def apply_units(group): orig_unit = group.get_unique_meta("unit", no_duplicates=True) uc = UnitConverter(orig_unit, unit, context=context) group._df.values[:] = uc.convert_from(group._df.values) group["unit"] = unit return group ret = to_convert if not to_convert.empty: ret = ret.groupby("unit").apply(apply_units) ret = run_append([ret, to_not_convert], inplace=inplace) return ret
@staticmethod def _check_unit_context(dat, context): unit_context = dat.get_unique_meta("unit_context") # check if contexts don't match, unless the context is nan non_matching_contexts = len(unit_context) > 1 or unit_context[0] != context if isinstance(unit_context[0], float): non_matching_contexts &= not np.isnan(unit_context[0]) if non_matching_contexts: raise ValueError( "Existing unit conversion context(s), `{}`, doesn't match input " "context, `{}`, drop `unit_context` metadata before doing " "conversion".format(unit_context, context) )
[docs] def relative_to_ref_period_mean(self, append_str=None, **kwargs): """ Return the timeseries relative to a given reference period mean. The reference period mean is subtracted from all values in the input timeseries. Parameters ---------- append_str Deprecated **kwargs Arguments to pass to :func:`filter` to determine the data to be included in the reference time period. See the docs of :func:`filter` for valid options. Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` New object containing the timeseries, adjusted to the reference period mean. The reference period year bounds are stored in the meta columns ``"reference_period_start_year"`` and ``"reference_period_end_year"``. Raises ------ NotImplementedError ``append_str`` is not ``None`` """ if append_str is not None: raise NotImplementedError("`append_str` is deprecated") ts = self.timeseries() # mypy confused by `inplace` default ref_data = self.filter(**kwargs) ref_period_mean = ref_data.timeseries().mean(axis="columns") res = ts.sub(ref_period_mean, axis="index") res.reset_index(inplace=True) res["reference_period_start_year"] = ref_data["year"].min() res["reference_period_end_year"] = ref_data["year"].max() return type(self)(res)
[docs] def append( self, other: T, inplace: bool = False, duplicate_msg: Union[str, bool] = True, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Self: """ Append additional data to the current data. For details, see :func:`run_append`. Parameters ---------- other Data (in format which can be cast to :class:`ScmRun <>`) to append. inplace If ``True``, append data in place, modifying the current object. Otherwise, a new :class:`ScmRun <>` instance is created. duplicate_msg If ``True``, raise a :class:`scmdata.errors.NonUniqueMetadataError` error so the user can see the duplicate timeseries. If ``False``, take the average and do not raise a warning or error. If ``"warn"``, raise a warning if duplicate data is detected. metadata If not ``None``, override the metadata of the resulting :class:`ScmRun <>` with ``metadata``. Otherwise, the metadata for the runs are merged. In the case where there are duplicate metadata keys, the values from the first run are used. **kwargs Keywords to pass to :func:`ScmRun.__init__` when reading :obj:`other` Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` Object containing the results of appending the timeseries in ``other``. Raises ------ NonUniqueMetadataError If the appending results in timeseries with duplicate metadata and :attr:`duplicate_msg` is ``True`` """ if not isinstance(other, BaseScmRun): other = self.__class__(other, **kwargs) # type: ignore return run_append( # type: ignore [self, other], inplace=inplace, duplicate_msg=duplicate_msg, metadata=metadata, )
[docs] def append_timewise( self, other, align_columns, ): """ Append timeseries along the time axis Parameters ---------- other : :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` containing the timeseries to append align_columns : list Columns used to align ``other`` and ``self`` when joining Returns ------- :obj:`scmdata.ScmRun` Result of joining ``self`` and ``other`` along the time axis """ ts_self = self.timeseries() try: ts_other = other.timeseries(meta=align_columns) except NonUniqueMetadataError as exc: error_msg = ( "Calling ``other.timeseries(meta=align_columns)`` must " "result in umabiguous timeseries" ) raise ValueError(error_msg) from exc ts_other_aligned, ts_self_aligned = ts_other.align(ts_self) ts_self_aligned = ts_self_aligned.dropna(how="all", axis="columns") ts_other_aligned = ts_other_aligned.dropna(how="all", axis="columns") # if ts_other_aligned.isnull().any(axis=1): # warning? out = pd.concat([ts_other_aligned, ts_self_aligned], axis=1) try: return type(self)(out) except DuplicateTimesError as exc: raise ValueError("``self`` and ``other`` have overlapping times") from exc
[docs] def to_iamdataframe(self) -> LongDatetimeIamDataFrame: # pragma: no cover """ Convert to a :class:`LongDatetimeIamDataFrame` instance. :class:`LongDatetimeIamDataFrame` is a subclass of :class:`pyam.IamDataFrame`. We use :class:`LongDatetimeIamDataFrame` to ensure all times can be handled, see docstring of :class:`LongDatetimeIamDataFrame` for details. Returns ------- :class:`LongDatetimeIamDataFrame` :class:`LongDatetimeIamDataFrame` instance containing the same data. Raises ------ ImportError If `pyam <>`_ is not installed """ if LongDatetimeIamDataFrame is None: raise ImportError( "pyam is not installed. Features involving IamDataFrame are unavailable" ) return LongDatetimeIamDataFrame(self.timeseries())
[docs] def to_csv(self, fname: FilePath, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ Write timeseries data to a csv file Parameters ---------- fname Path to write the file into """ self.timeseries().reset_index().to_csv(fname, **kwargs, index=False)
[docs] def reduce(self, func, dim=None, axis=None, **kwargs): """ Apply a function along a given axis This is to provide the GroupBy functionality in :func:`ScmRun.groupby` and is not generally called directly. This implementation is very bare-bones - no reduction along the time time dimension is allowed and only the `dim` parameter is used. Parameters ---------- func: function dim : str Ignored axis : int The dimension along which the function is applied. The only valid value is 0 which corresponds to the along the time-series dimension. kwargs Other parameters passed to `func` Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` Raises ------ ValueError If a dimension other than None is provided NotImplementedError If `axis` is anything other than 0 """ if dim is not None: raise ValueError("ScmRun.reduce does not handle dim. Use axis instead") input_data = self.values if axis is None or axis == 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot currently reduce along the time dimension" ) if axis is not None: data = func(input_data, axis=axis, **kwargs) else: data = func(input_data, **kwargs) if getattr(data, "shape", ()) == self.shape: return type(self)( data, index=self.time_points, columns=self.meta.to_dict("list") ) else: removed_axes = range(2) if axis is None else np.atleast_1d(axis) % 2 index = self.time_points meta = self.meta.to_dict("list") if 0 in removed_axes and len(meta): # Reduced the timeseries m = self.meta n_unique = m.nunique(axis=0) m = m.drop(columns=n_unique[n_unique > 1].index).drop_duplicates() if len(m) != 1: # pragma: no cover raise AssertionError(m) meta = m.to_dict("list") if 1 in removed_axes: raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover return type(self)(data, index=index, columns=meta)
[docs] def round(self, decimals: int = 3, inplace: bool = False) -> Self: """ Round data to a given number of decimal places. For values exactly halfway between rounded decimal values, NumPy rounds to the nearest even value. Thus 1.5 and 2.5 round to 2.0, -0.5 and 0.5 round to 0.0, etc. Parameters ---------- decimals : int Number of decimal places to round each value to. inplace : bool If True, apply the conversion inplace, otherwise a copy is performed. Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` :class:`ScmRun <>` containing the rounded values. """ ret = _get_target(self, inplace) # Check if any values are smaller than half the smallest step # They may be rounded down to zero min_value = ret._df.abs().min().min() if min_value <= 0.5 * 10**-decimals: warnings.warn( "There are small values which may be truncated during rounding. Either increase the number" "of decimals or convert the units of the timeseries so that the quantities are larger." ) ret._df = ret._df.round(decimals) return ret
def _merge_metadata(metadata): res = metadata[0].copy() for m in metadata[1:]: for k, v in m.items(): if k not in res: res[k] = v return res
[docs]def run_append( runs: Sequence[T], inplace: bool = False, duplicate_msg: Union[str, bool] = True, metadata: Optional[MetadataType] = None, ) -> T: """ Append together many objects. When appending many objects, it may be more efficient to call this routine once with a list of :class:`ScmRun <>`'s, than using :func:`ScmRun.append` multiple times. If timeseries with duplicate metadata are found, the timeseries are appended and values falling on the same timestep are averaged if :obj:`duplicate_msg` is not "return". If :obj:`duplicate_msg` is "return", then the result will contain the duplicated timeseries for further inspection. .. code:: python >>> res = base.append(other, duplicate_msg="return") <scmdata.ScmRun (timeseries: 5, timepoints: 3)> Time: Start: 2005-01-01T00:00:00 End: 2015-06-12T00:00:00 Meta: scenario variable model climate_model region unit 0 a_scenario Primary Energy a_iam a_model World EJ/yr 1 a_scenario Primary Energy|Coal a_iam a_model World EJ/yr 2 a_scenario2 Primary Energy a_iam a_model World EJ/yr 3 a_scenario3 Primary Energy a_iam a_model World EJ/yr 4 a_scenario Primary Energy a_iam a_model World EJ/yr >>> ts = res.timeseries(check_duplicated=False) >>> ts[ts.index.duplicated(keep=False)] time 2005-01-01 ... 2015-06-12 scenario variable model climate_model region unit ... a_scenario Primary Energy a_iam a_model World EJ/yr 1.0 ... 7.0 EJ/yr -1.0 ... 1.0 Parameters ---------- runs: list of :class:`ScmRun <>` The runs to append. Values will be attempted to be cast to :class:`ScmRun <>`. inplace If ``True``, then the operation updates the first item in :obj:`runs` inplace. Otherwise, the results are appended to a new object. duplicate_msg If ``True``, raise a ``NonUniqueMetadataError`` error so the user can see the duplicate timeseries. If ``False``, take the average and do not raise a warning or error. If ``"warn"``, raise a warning if duplicate data is detected. metadata If not ``None``, override the metadata of the resulting :class:`ScmRun <>` with ``metadata``. Otherwise, the metadata for the runs are merged. In the case where there are duplicate metadata keys, the values from the first run are used. Returns ------- :class:`ScmRun <>` Object containing the appended data. The resultant class will be determined by the type of the first object. Raises ------ TypeError If :obj:`inplace` is ``True`` but the first element in :obj:`dfs` is not an instance of :class:`ScmRun <>` ``runs`` argument is not a list ValueError :obj:`duplicate_msg` option is not recognised. No runs are provided to be appended """ if not isinstance(runs, Sequence): raise TypeError("runs is not a list") if not len(runs): raise ValueError("No runs to append") if inplace: if not isinstance(runs[0], BaseScmRun): raise TypeError("Can only append inplace to an ScmRun") ret: T = runs[0] else: ret = runs[0].copy() to_join_dfs: List[pd.DataFrame] = [] to_join_metas = [] overlapping_times = False return_index = pd.Index(range(ret._df.shape[1])) ret._df.columns = return_index ret._meta.index = return_index min_idx = ret._df.shape[1] for run in runs[1:]: run_to_join_df: pd.DataFrame = run._df max_idx = min_idx + run_to_join_df.shape[1] new_index = pd.Index(range(min_idx, max_idx)) min_idx = max_idx run_to_join_df.columns = new_index run_to_join_meta = run._meta.to_frame() run_to_join_meta.index = new_index # check everything still makes sense npt.assert_array_equal(run_to_join_meta.index, run_to_join_df.columns) # check for overlap idx_to_check = run_to_join_df.index if not overlapping_times and ( idx_to_check.isin(ret._df.index).any() or any([idx_to_check.isin(df.index).any() for df in to_join_dfs]) ): overlapping_times = True to_join_dfs.append(run_to_join_df) to_join_metas.append(run_to_join_meta) ret._df = pd.concat([ret._df] + to_join_dfs, axis="columns").sort_index() ret._time_points = TimePoints(ret._df.index.values) ret._df.index = ret._time_points.to_index() ret._meta = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( pd.concat([ret._meta.to_frame()] + to_join_metas).astype("category") ) if ret._duplicated_meta(): if overlapping_times and duplicate_msg: _handle_potential_duplicates_in_append(ret, duplicate_msg) ts = ret.timeseries(check_duplicated=False) orig_ts_index = ts.index nan_cols = pd.isna(orig_ts_index.to_frame()).any() orig_dtypes = orig_ts_index.to_frame().dtypes # Convert index to str ts.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame( ts.index.to_frame().astype(str).reset_index(drop=True) ) deduped_ts = ts.groupby(ts.index, as_index=True).mean() ret._df = deduped_ts.reset_index(drop=True).T new_meta = pd.DataFrame.from_records( deduped_ts.index.values, columns=ts.index.names ) # Convert back from str for c in nan_cols[nan_cols].index: new_meta[c].replace("nan", np.nan, inplace=True) for c, dtype in orig_dtypes.items(): new_meta[c] = new_meta[c].astype(dtype) ret._meta = pd.MultiIndex.from_frame(new_meta.astype("category")) if metadata is not None: ret.metadata = metadata else: ret.metadata = _merge_metadata([r.metadata for r in runs]) return ret
def _handle_potential_duplicates_in_append(data, duplicate_msg): if duplicate_msg == "warn": warn_msg = ( "Duplicate time points detected, the output will be the average of " "the duplicates. Set `duplicate_msg=False` to silence this message." ) warnings.warn(warn_msg) return None if duplicate_msg and not isinstance(duplicate_msg, str): raise NonUniqueMetadataError(data.meta) raise ValueError("Unrecognised value for duplicate_msg") inject_nc_methods(BaseScmRun) inject_plotting_methods(BaseScmRun) inject_ops_methods(BaseScmRun) inject_xarray_methods(BaseScmRun)
[docs]class ScmRun(BaseScmRun): """ Data container for holding one or many time-series of SCM data. """ required_cols: Tuple[str, ...] = ("model", "scenario", "region", "variable", "unit") """ Minimum metadata columns required by an ScmRun. If an application requires a different set of required metadata, this can be specified by overriding :attr:`required_cols` on a custom class inheriting :class:``. Note that at a minimum, ("variable", "unit") columns are required. """