
NetCDF4 file operations

Reading and writing ScmRun to disk as binary


Add the to/from nc methods to a class


cls – Class to add methods to

scmdata.netcdf.nc_to_run(cls, fname)[source]

Read a netCDF4 file from disk


fname (str) – Filename to read

scmdata.netcdf.run_to_nc(run, fname, dimensions=('region',), extras=(), **kwargs)[source]

Write timeseries to disk as a netCDF4 file

Each unique variable will be written as a variable within the netCDF file. Choosing the dimensions and extras such that there are as few empty (or nan) values as possible will lead to the best compression on disk.

  • fname (str) – Path to write the file into

  • dimensions (iterable of str) – Dimensions to include in the netCDF file. The time dimension is always included (if not provided it will be the last dimension). An additional dimension (specifically a co-ordinate in xarray terms), “_id”, will be included if extras is provided and any of the metadata in extras is not uniquely defined by dimensions. “_id” maps the timeseries in each variable to their relevant metadata.

  • extras (iterable of str) – Metadata columns to write as variables in the netCDF file (specifically as “non-dimension co-ordinates” in xarray terms, see xarray terminology for more details). Where possible, these non-dimension co-ordinates will use dimension co-ordinates as their own co-ordinates. However, if the metadata in extras is not defined by a single dimension in dimensions, then the extras co-ordinates will have dimensions of “_id”. This “_id” co-ordinate maps the values in the extras co-ordinates to each timeseries in the serialised dataset. Where “_id” is required, an extra “_id” dimension will also be added to dimensions.

  • kwargs – Passed through to xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf()